15. Extension mobility in CUCM v. 8.6

Extension mobility (EM) enable user log in to any phone in working environment and then obtain appropriate private configuration of their phone. This functionality is ideal in environments with moving workers.

EM is a phone service that must be enabled and apply user-specific device profile. But separate device profile must be made for all type of supported devices (7965 phone has 6 button but 7940 only two that must be properly accommodated).

Administrator has these options for logging behavior:

  • allow multiple logins – multiple logged in phone
  • deny login – when logged in one phone another reply with error until logout previews
  • auto-logout – only one logged in device in a time

How to enable EM in CUCM?

1) Activate cisco EM service. In serviceability web page – Tools>Service activation and select Cisco Extension mobility and Save.

2) Configure EM service parameters. In CUCM administration page go to: System>Service parameters and select appropriate server (our scenario is single server). Select Cisco extension mobility service from service drop-down.

Scroll to Clusterwide Parameters (force logout after maximum login time has expired, and timer number, login behavior.) Also numeric ID for user can be enabled or enable remember of last logged in user.

3) Add the EM service. Go to Device > Device settings > Phone services and add new. Give service appropriate name (EM_service) and to service field type: http://<IP_address_of_Publisher>:8080/emapp/EMAppServlet?device=#DEVICENAME#.

Make sure Enable is checked and optionally check Enterprise subscription (automatically subscribes all IP phones to EM service).

4) Create default device profile. In CUCM administration page go to Device > Device settings > Default device profile and add new. Select Product type (phone model we only have CIPC phones) and Device Protocol.

5) Create Device Profiles. Go to Device > Device settings > Device Profile and add new. Select phone model for particular user phone and enter name for that profile. Configure user specific settings: DN, Button and other parameters.

6) Subscribe Device profiles to the EM service. From Device Profile page choose Subscribe/Unsubscribe Services from links and click go. Chose EM service added previews and Next. Enter display name for EM service and ASCII version for phones with low resolution display. Click Subscribe and Save. Remember subscribe both Device profiles and IP Phones to EM service – user will be unable log out after he log in and device profile is applied.

7) Associate Users with device profiles. Go to User Management > End User Select user whom you want create profile associations or create new user. For user chose Device Profiles that should be associated to user (if more profiles selected one must be selected to use after logging into EM).

8) Enable EM for Phones. Go to Device > Phone and select appropriate phone which will serve for EM. In Extension Mobility selection check enable extension mobility box. Chose specific Device profile or currently configured device setting as in Log Out Profile. (log Out profile is configuration that is applied to phone when no-one is logged in. Often it is emergency or local capabilities.)

9) Subscribe Phones to EM service. In phone configuration page, choose Subscribe/ Unsubscribe Services. Chose EM service from Service pull-down. Enter the name that will appear on IP Phone.

For further reference please watch this video from youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M50sykfNe5I&feature=related