Benchmarkchart – php example code – part 1
Article describe basic decomposition of problem for benchmark chart aplication. User can submit benchmark score with photo validation. Admin can remove unvanted or misleading posts. In final stage simple access restricton for access in admin page will be introduced.
Description of behavior of app
Our Benchmark chart app will enable:
- visiting user post their own benchmark result obtained from 3dmar timespy benchmark
- user provide skore as number, nickname, e-mail (not publick visible for others) and for validation purpose picture from benchmark result
- administrator can remove any particular post with admin page containing links leading to remove.php script
- remove script will second validate expectation for post removal
- separate page shows benchmark chart with highlight for three highest score in database
- for security reason simple hardening will be introduced as access verification (username and password) using HTML header verification
Frontend of the APP
Next pictures will show separate pages of application
In our next articles
Following articles will introduce solution for separate pages: index.php – submit score page, admin.php and remove.php for administration posts and removing appropriate unwanted score, authorize.php – restricting access into admin and remove script by header authentification.
Full code for further study and personal implementation can be obtained from github here.