Revell Titanic 100th aniversary – backlighting gallery


This article contains fotogallery and youtube videos from backlighting plastic model of Revell Titanic 100th aniversary.

Titanic 100th aniversary by Revell
Upper deck
Assembling parts
Electronic part assembling and testing
Expansion shield for power boost with TIP120
Another look at expansion shield for arduino
Arduino Mega 2560 with protyping shield
IUpper loog at protyping shield
Bottom exhaust of electrical cabling - usb cable
Black mate for elimination of light leakage
Night look at fully assembled model
Inner look at one of many decks on Titanic model
Befor adding upper decks
Top look
Front part of fully assembled model
Middle part of model
Back part of model
Driled holes with backlight
Side look at final model
Titanic 100th aniversary by Revell

Next video depicts process of assembling plastig model with appropriate stages of electronics assembling.

Preview of finaly assemled model with remote IR control show next video.

Final version of program code is available for download here.

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